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Promotion of employment

Specific challenges

Even in 2023, the challenges on the regional labor market have not diminished. Energy prices and supply bottlenecks are also having an impact on the overall labor market climate. The fact that the regional labor market nevertheless remains stable is also due to the solid mix of sectors in Bonn and the immediate surrounding area. The post-pandemic recovery has been successful in many sectors of the economy. However, the increasing labor shortage is also putting limits on this and is often the reason for reduced offers and opening hours in the hospitality industry, for example. The Skilled Immigration Act has opened up new opportunities to recruit qualified staff from abroad. However, the actual attractiveness for foreign skilled workers will have to be measured against the good framework conditions and the welcoming culture.

Situation for apprentices

Their fundamental willingness to perform on many levels is impressive and the majority of “Gen Z” is clearly much better than its reputation. The “old applicants” from the 2020-2022 school-leaving classes are now stimulating the training market, which is particularly positive in the skilled trades. 

However, not all young people make this transition smoothly. That is why it is important that the economic development agency continues to work intensively for the next generation of young people. While at the same time strengthening Bonn's climate targets, this will include focusing on specialist advice for initial and further training in climate-relevant professions in the future.

The NRW state programs are also increasingly focusing on young people without training (see below), as they are all urgently needed on the job market. And companies are also being called upon even more to position themselves with attractive training opportunities in the highly competitive applicant market.

Further training is the key

The long-known demographic developments are now having an impact. In the meantime, there is not only a shortage of experts but also a general shortage of workers - everywhere. In addition to the immigration of skilled workers, the key levers for expanding Bonn's labor supply are, in particular, the strengthening of vocational training and further education - both for those already employed, the unemployed and foreign workers. All in all, this will not only strengthen the labor market, but also improve social and societal participation. The Qualification Opportunities Act is developing into the central funding instrument of the employment agency - for companies and employees. 

Alliance for skilled workers Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

There are a large number of projects and commitments in all of the areas mentioned, which are particularly effective in the networking of activities, including in the Alliance for Skilled Workers. The close professional exchange and strategic cooperation between the most important regional labor market players enables a culture of trust that is the envy of many regions in Germany. The acute labor shortage makes networked action more important than ever. Under the leadership of the Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Regional Agency, the region's labour market players have set out to develop binding answers to the region's labour market policy challenges and implement them at a coordinated level, albeit at different times. In 2023, the “Dämmerschoppen” of the Alliance for Skilled Workers will once again be well-attended and much appreciated specialist events for a multidisciplinary audience.

Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Regional Agency

The core task of the Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Regional Agency is to represent the objectives and funding instruments of the NRW state labor market policy and the European Social Fund. As a transfer office between the EU, NRW and regional interests, the regional agency networks the economic and labor market policy players in order to launch sustainable projects to strengthen the regional labor market. With the NRW Skilled Workers Initiative, the previous focal points of work are being expanded: “initial and further training”, ‘securing skilled workers’ and ‘digital, social and ecological transformation’ continue to receive a strong focus on the increasingly tightening labor market situation.

The regional kick-off event for the NRW Skilled Workers Initiative with Minister Karl Josef Laumann and the Alliance for Skilled Workers was the highlight in October 2023. 

Companies and employees

The commitment of regional companies is also reflected in the ESF funding programs. In addition to the growing interest in recruiting foreign skilled workers, numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have also questioned their own processes internally and pushed ahead with qualification measures. To support this, 23 company funding programs were implemented with “Potentialberatung NRW”. In addition, 1000 subsidy consultations on the “Bildungsscheck NRW” took place at the listed advice centers in the region. 

Through the state programs “Perspectives in Employment” (PIE) and “Recognition Advice NRW”, a total of over 500 people were able to take advantage of individual advice in the context of career planning, with up to nine individual appointments. 

Youth and profession

With the “NRW Training Program” and the subsequent “NRW Training Pathways” program, numerous young people with support needs were professionally accompanied on their way to starting a career in 2023. This also enabled training companies to receive a financial subsidy towards the training allowance for additional training positions created. These programs of the State Ministry of Labour are supplemented by the “Übergangslotsen NRW” program.  Since 01.01.2024, pupils without a training place have been specifically sought out at vocational colleges. The transition guides provide them with an additional individual offer that opens up training prospects and establishes contact with training companies. Together with the “Ausbildungswegen NRW” program, the “Übergangslots*innen” form a key pillar of the NRW Ministry of Employment's skilled workers offensive.   

Compatibility of family and education

It is possible to start training at any time, but not necessarily always full-time. The state program “Part-time vocational training - support entry - open up prospects” (TEP) offers targeted support for people with family responsibilities. Finding a part-time apprenticeship in a company is often difficult, which is why the project, which the CJD Bonn is responsible for in the region, provides comprehensive support.

Participants are coached, qualified and professionally prepared and receive individual support during the first months of training. In cooperation with the JC Bonn, around 35 people per year are continuously in TEP or the parallel job center program MODUS. This form of training offers companies an additional opportunity to meet the growing demand for skilled workers and also to recruit more experienced trainees.

Target group support

More than 1,500 counseling cases were recorded at the employment counseling center in Bonn Tannenbusch in 2023. The state program supports and advises unemployed people, people at risk of unemployment and people affected by labor exploitation. The regional agency supports the valuable work of this institution and ensures strong networking with the relevant stakeholders in the region. The great popularity of the offer illustrates the precarious situation of the target group and is also a mandate to work even more closely together on the topic of participation in Bonn.

The Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Regional Agency is responsible for implementing the aforementioned funding programs. It coordinates these, provides technical support and networks the stakeholders involved in the region.

In 2023, the regional agency once again moderated the regional training consensus together with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and provided strategic and operational support for the regional school-to-work transition management.

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Martina Schönborn-Waldorf
Head of Regional Agency Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Project management Alliance for skilled workers