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Annual economic report 2024

  1. Preface Mayor Katja Dörner
  2. Preface Victoria Appelbe, Director of Economic Development
  3. Table of contents

Preface Mayor Katja Dörner

Portrait Katja Dörner Print

Dear Sir or Madam,

Bonn remains in very good shape as a business location, as the Annual Economic Report 2024 illustrates with a variety of facts and figures. An analysis of the current figures from the statistics on employees subject to social insurance contributions, for example, shows a strong increase of around 3,900 jobs in Bonn and thus growth of 2.1 percent. This puts the federal city well above the NRW state average of 0.7 percent. The city of Bonn reached a new high of 192,823 employees subject to social insurance contributions and also achieved the second highest growth rate in the Rhineland metropolitan region.

A particularly strong increase of 1,625 employees was observed in the freelance, scientific and technical services sector. The hospitality industry saw the strongest growth at 10.3% and employment figures are already close to pre-corona levels. In summary, however, the increase in employment can once again be seen across a broad front. This stability and robustness characterizes the business location in a special way and - even if the national and international challenges are becoming ever greater - continues to allow for positive prospects.

Last year, the development of the city center and district centers was discussed in a special way and this is also an important topic for me personally. After all, the vibrancy and diversity of the offerings determine the quality of life for all residents and visitors to the city and the neighborhood. I am very pleased that the catering sector has once again seen a significant increase in employment, as it also makes an important contribution to the revitalization of public spaces.

The Bonn Economic Development Agency has stimulated the discussion with various activities. For example, the 4th City Conference in October 2023 on the topic of “More diversity of use in Bonn's city center!” addressed many current aspects. Various measures were also implemented in the district centers as part of center management. When it comes to inner city development and mobility, the economic development agency is also in close contact with business associations. The introduction of business parking spaces is one example of this cooperation.

In another strategically important topic for the future development of the city and region, a first milestone was reached in April 2024 with the publication of the key points of a supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act. The federal government, the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal City of Bonn region have outlined various relevant topics. The Bonn Economic Development Agency is responsible within the city administration for the topic area “The Federal City of Bonn region as a national and international cyber security location”. The aim here is to utilize and expand this locational advantage in the sense of national added value.


Katja Dörner

Lord Mayor

Preface Victoria Appelbe, Director of Economic Development

Dear Sir or Madam,

The City of Bonn's Annual Economic Report 2024 provides a comprehensive description of economic development and takes stock of the activities of the Economic Development Agency. As the first point of contact for business start-ups, company development and relocations, the team at our Service Center Economy was able to process a total of 690 requests and projects in 2023.

The report presents examples of six business projects that the Economic Development Service was able to support. In the area of expansions and relocations, these are the companies Dr. Hans Riegel Stiftung, KOLL GmbH, Puppenkönig GmbH and Aachener Grundvermögen. In the area of start-ups, the companies CIRCULARMED GmbH and TerraSense GmbH were invited to share their experiences with the administration of the City of Bonn and specifically with the Economic Development Agency.

  • In 2023, the work of the Economic Development Agency focused primarily on seven key topics, which are covered in detail in the report:
    Commercial space development
  • Digital city
  • Sustainable economy
  • Active land policy
  • Securing skilled workers
  • City center and district centers
  • Promotion of tourism

In addition to the continued climate protection management for business parks as part of Bonn's climate plan, new advisory and information services for start-ups and existing companies as well as climate partnerships with trade and industry were designed and introduced in 2023 as part of the sustainable economy focus area. The economic development agency advises and supports Bonn companies on their path to climate neutrality. The further establishment of the “Bonn Region Sustainability Hub” can be seen as a success. This initiative supports start-ups and existing companies in the implementation of sustainable business models and products with events and a social media presence, among other things.

As commercial space in Bonn is limited, the economic development agency is pursuing the development of new urban commercial space, including in the Buschdorf industrial estate. The aim is to provide the required commercial space for small and medium-sized companies in the trades, services and manufacturing sectors within the city itself. The development in Bonn-Pützchen can also be helpful here. The target resolution for the office and business park there is to be presented to the political bodies this year.

The earlier pandemic-related restrictions have shown the enormous importance of networking formats for personal exchange. The Bonn Business Talks are the ideal, established format for a profitable exchange on the future of Bonn as a business location. The twenty-fifth edition took place in June 2024, a great anniversary that was once again a great success under the motto “We celebrate dialog” and with over 1,000 participants.

The entire Bonn Economic Development team would like to thank all partners and customers for their excellent cooperation and will be happy to help you at any time. 

Feel free to contact us!

Table of contents