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Examples of real estate projects

Property transactions

In addition to all purchases and sales of developed and undeveloped properties for the City of Bonn, all contract constellations relevant to the land register are processed. Day-to-day business includes the exercise of pre-emptive rights (usually the acquisition of small sub-areas), the sale of small fragmented areas to round off neighboring private properties and the provision of land. Issues relevant to the land register include, for example, the registration or deletion of easements, land charges or pipeline rights. The establishment and management of heritable building rights is becoming increasingly important.

Important projects

Neues Quartier Bundesviertel (NQB)

The Neues Quartier Bundesviertel (NQB) is the working title for the area formerly known as the “Landesbehördenhaus”. Over the past year, many negotiations have been held with the state and various topics have been tackled in a number of project groups. In addition to the internal administrative work areas, the NQB project advisory board was also established, in which political representatives are informed and also have the opportunity to help shape the further procedure.

Bafin office campus and DLR project sponsor

In Dransdorf, an investor is planning two office locations on the area between Justus-von-Liebig-Straße, Fraunhoferstraße and Haberstraße.

One office complex is intended for the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), which is expected to move 350 employees to the new location. Another office complex with a canteen and underground parking garage is planned for the DLR Project Management Agency (“Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.”), which would like to consolidate its Bonn locations with around 1,600 employees at the new site. Both projects were made possible by the acquisition of additional municipal land.


The Viktoriakarree is to be used for a mixture of cultural, residential, educational, gastronomic and retail purposes. A planning office has been commissioned to prepare a feasibility study. A forum of knowledge is to be created for the university on the urban areas, including the former swimming pool. The land has been sold to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for this purpose. In the remaining area, residential buildings will be developed in accordance with the development plan yet to be drawn up, as well as some commercial and catering space on the first floor.

Alte Stadtgärtnerei

Talks are being held with the Montag Foundation and the Neue Stadtgärtnerei e.V. association on the basis of a political decision in principle. The site of the old city nursery in Bonn-Dransdorf is to be developed as a public welfare-oriented neighborhood, incorporating the existing Biostation. A residential development is to be realized, taking environmental aspects into account.


The city has the opportunity to acquire an area of approx. 11,500 m² on Baunscheidtstrasse.

The city plans to purchase this land in order to reserve space for the recruitment and settlement of international institutions. This necessity was confirmed in the first cornerstone of the supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act, “The Federal City of Bonn region as the seat of the United Nations and international organizations and as a location for sustainability”. 

Talks are being held with the Montag Foundation and the Neue Stadtgärtnerei e.V. association on the basis of a fundamental political decision. On the site of the old city nursery in Bonn-Dransdorf, a district development oriented towards the common good is to be created, incorporating the existing Biostation. A residential development is to be realized, taking environmental aspects into account.

Mobility turnaround

A milestone has been reached in increasing the frequency and expanding the streetcar network. The purchase of 5 buildings in Beuel for the future widening of the traffic area and thus the acceleration of the streetcar was successfully realized.

Accommodation options for refugees

A building was acquired in a central location in Bonn to accommodate 30-35 refugees.

Tender for residential plots for subsidized housing construction

For the first time, plots in Nierderholtorf were put out to tender with the aim of having eligible families build semi-detached houses in subsidized housing construction. All 4 plots were awarded to eligible families under heritable building rights.

Purchase of a day care center

After complicated coordination and contract negotiations, the acquisition of a 4-stream daycare center in Beuel was realized. Further negotiations on the acquisition of new daycare centers are currently underway.

Land consolidation in Friesdorf

After many years of effort, the city of Bonn was able to acquire land for the Friesdorf outdoor pool owned by third parties for the purpose of reserving land and for a planned new daycare center.

Right of first refusal under the State Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG)

A relatively new area of responsibility is the implementation of pre-emptive rights in accordance with the LNatSchG. Pre-emption rights are enforced in order to subsequently develop the acquired areas as part of nature conservation projects.

Mr. Kerim Abulzahab
Jochen Siegert

Rental and leasing matters

The use of the farmed areas is broadly diversified. The company currently manages around 2,000 leases. These range from the leasing of more than 200 parking spaces to grazing land and agricultural leases, leases for commercial use, sports clubs and the temporary use of municipal land by companies, to the management of leasehold contracts. The department is also responsible for managing the leases of apartments owned by the city's dependent foundations. Ensuring that the areas under management are safe for traffic is a steadily growing focus of the department's work.

Important projects

Businesses of a commercial nature

As the owner, the Federal City of Bonn maintains, among other things, four restaurants as so-called businesses of a commercial nature (BgA), such as the Brückenforum, among others. Due to the financial situation of the city, the provision of concessionable premises is only possible in close cooperation with the administration as well as in a good and trusting relationship with the operators.

City Hall Bad Godesberg

The Bad Godesberg municipal hall is in great need of refurbishment. The administration has commissioned a company to draw up a concept for its future use. The park halls of the Stadthalle Bad Godesberg can be used for interim operations from May 2022 until the start of refurbishment. The city administration was able to win a local event management company for event management during the interim operation.

Translated with (free version)

Mr. Axel Worm