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Delegation from Bukhara visits Bonn

The German-Uzbek Association, which provides significant support for the project partnership between the cities of Bonn and Bukhara, has been in existence for 30 years. A delegation from Bukhara traveled to Germany to celebrate the special anniversary.

The City of Bonn and the German-Uzbek Society invited guests to the Old Town Hall to celebrate the 30th anniversary. Deputy Mayor Nicole Unterseh welcomed the delegation from Bukhara as well as friends and supporters of the project partnership.

A partnership has existed between Bonn and the Uzbek city of Bukhara since 2003. In the years of fruitful cooperation, not only have local political contacts developed, but also numerous relationships between the citizens of the two cities. Above all, the great commitment of the German-Uzbek Society, which intensively supports the project partnership between Bonn and Bukhara, brings the culture of Uzbekistan, its way of life, its music and Uzbek cuisine to life here in Bonn.

Guests from Bukhara are currently in the city to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the German-Uzbek Society and to exchange ideas with representatives from the City of Bonn. Among them are the long-standing chairwoman of the Bonn-Buchara Partnership Committee, the deputy principal of School No. 4 and the director of a youth center, who visited Bonn for the first time in 2016 as a student and participant in the SPICE project.

Right at the beginning of the visit, there was a joint reception hosted by the City of Bonn and the Society to mark the “milestone anniversary”. Deputy Mayor Nicole Unterseh welcomed the visitors as well as friends and supporters of the city partnership in the Old Town Hall. Uzbek Consul General Abdullaev was a special guest and addressed the audience. On behalf of the German-Uzbek Society, President Dr. Colin Dürkop looked back on the past three decades of fruitful work.

Bonn - Bukhara project partnership under the umbrella of sustainability

“Sustainable lifestyle and action” - this is a brief description of the project partnership between Bonn and Bukhara. The City of Bonn is in close contact with the Uzbek city on the topics of energy, sustainability and climate. For example, the SPICE project, which was part of a school partnership to introduce pupils to methods of saving energy and new renewable energy sources in order to counteract the threat of energy shortages and overheating of the earth's climate in the long term. 

The Sustainable Bukhara project promotes sustainable action and management by companies in the hotel and catering industry.

Kick-off for “KlimARTa”

During the current visit, the delegation will be introduced to an art and climate project at Bonner Brotfabrik: KlimARTa is a one-year project that promotes exchange between two schools in Bonn and Bukhara through artistic means. Pupils from both schools will examine the impact of climate change in their own country and the partner country and record their findings using various artistic formats such as visual art and media recordings. The project promotes awareness of climate change and sustainable development, as well as intercultural exchange between the two cities.

As the culture and traditions of the host country must not be neglected during a delegation visit, the guests from Bukhara - as well as their delegation colleagues from La Paz, who are also currently in Bonn – also had the chance to experience the parade and the opening of Bonn’s giant funfair Pützchens Markt in the festival tent.