Federal Minister Geywitz was on site in the Federal City of Bonn on Friday, 12 April, to mark this milestone. Together with the Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn, Katja Dörner, the Minister for Federal and European Affairs, Nathanael Liminski, the Head of the State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate, Fabian Kirsch, and the District Administrator and the District Councillors of the districts of Rhein-Sieg, Sebastian Schuster, Ahrweiler, Cornelia Weigand, and Neuwied, Achim Hallerbach, Federal Minister Geywitz presented the agreed key points to the region's members of the federal and state parliaments and the European Parliament. The aim and basic concept of the supplementary agreement and the individual key points for further talks on a supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act were also explained.
Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction, commented: "The Federal City of Bonn region is a flagship for the Federal Republic. It is home to excellence that is reflected, for example, in culture with the focus on Beethoven, in security and civil protection by federal authorities such as the BSI or the BBK, but also as a conference location and headquarters for numerous renowned international organizations. The key points presented today make it clear that the region is continuing to develop as an important location for the Federal Republic of Germany and is thus providing added value for the entire country. These key points now form a sound basis for our further discussions, which must reflect the proven federal interest. I am confident that we will be able to keep to the agreed schedule and conclude the supplementary agreement by the end of the year."
For Bonn's mayor Katja Dörner, the agreement of the key points is an important milestone for the supplementary agreement. It shows that the federal government is interested in strengthening its second federal political center and wants to enter into a lasting dialogue with Bonn and the region. "My explicit thanks go to Minister Geywitz. Her personal dedication has contributed to this clear commitment by the federal government to Bonn as a location for government functions," said Mayor Dörner.
"The commitment to Bonn as a German location for the United Nations and for international organizations is also very welcome. The assurance to make a long-term commitment to the federal city of Bonn and the region as part of an overall concept for the location and to contribute to the provision of affordable housing is of great importance," Dörner continued. "The projects now included in the key points strengthen the development of the region on the one hand, but also have clear advantages for the federal government in terms of competition for the best skilled workers and the resilience of the state. This applies, for instance, to the expansion as a cybersecurity location for national security, sustainability and resilience as well as the federal government's commitment to resilience research. In addition, the Beethoven region of Bonn is to be expanded and we want to establish another aspect of the culture of remembrance and thereby the promotion of democracy in Bonn with the Forum Exilkultur. Bonn's unique position as a constitutional city should also be strengthened through a network of democracy."
Nathanael Liminski, Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and Head of the State Chancellery: "If there were no second federal political center like Bonn alongside Berlin, it would have to be invented. The pandemic, war and energy crisis have highlighted the importance of resilience. It is a key result of numerous discussions that the federal government is adopting the philosophy and profile of the region - and recognizes and enshrines the added value of the Federal City of Bonn for the whole of Germany. The key points that have now been agreed are an important interim step and create a solid basis for the continuation of this success story in the interests of all involved. We will continue to drive forward the strengthening of the Federal City of Bonn and the region with further projects and new ideas. The agreed clause for expansion is therefore appropriate as it opens up a necessary perspective for projects that are not yet ready for decision-making and beyond the current proposals and topics."
Fabian Kirsch, Head of the State Chancellery of Rhineland-Palatinate: "By agreeing these key points today, we have reached an important milestone on the way to concluding the supplementary agreement to the Berlin-Bonn Act. It is very important that we were able to secure project funding for the Arp Museum in the negotiations and that the focus on "Places of Democracy Education" has been included, of which Rhineland-Palatinate projects will also benefit. The Ahrweiler district's proposal for the IRRC also receives an initial positive mention in the key points - here, the in-depth concept development will still have to follow. The expansion clause contained in the key points is of central importance. It allows projects that have not yet been considered to be included in the supplementary agreement. I am thinking in particular of the expansion of an integrated and sustainable infrastructure, which is important for Rhineland-Palatinate and the entire region. This is also an important project for the district of Neuwied in particular, and we will continue to campaign for it."
Cornelia Weigand (Ahrweiler district), Sebastian Schuster (Rhein-Sieg district) and Achim Hallerbach (Neuwied district) explained on behalf of the three districts: "We three districts form the regional backbone for the second federal political center. We see the opportunities of the present key points. In this context, it is good that the paper contains an expansion clause for additional projects and announces further coordination processes. In this context, we consider it extremely important that the project of the joint "Sustainable Urban and Spatial Development", which encompasses the entire region across the federal states and is still under review, is included in the supplementary agreement as a foundation for the performance of federal and international tasks. Furthermore, we remain committed to the sharpening of the profile and continuation of all projects as mentioned in the key points paper. In this respect, we welcome the continuation of the dialogue and cooperation with the federal government."
Key points in detail
Bonn's status as a federal city is established by the Berlin/Bonn Act.
The compensation for the federal city of Bonn and surrounding region for the loss of the seat of parliament and parts of the government functions has been completed. The Federal City of Bonn region has developed into a future-oriented, flourishing region with a distinctive profile, particularly in the areas of sustainability, climate protection and development cooperation, as well as a well-positioned science and research region. It is an important European and international location for the United Nations.
In addition to the tasks of representing the state as a whole, the Berlin/Bonn Act provides for the preservation and promotion of certain policy areas in the federal city of Bonn and as a location for international institutions, amongst others. Such functions, location decisions and competencies of the Federal City of Bonn, which have added value for the whole of Germany, are to be maintained and further developed in the interests of the federal state as a whole with the planned supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act.
Against this background, the federal government, the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal City of Bonn region have jointly laid down the following key points for further talks on a supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act:
Federal City of Bonn region as the host to the United Nations and international organizations and as a sustainability location
There is agreement that the Federal City of Bonn is to be developed and expanded as a location for the United Nations and international organizations and that joint efforts to attract further UN entities and other international organizations should be intensified. Under the leadership of the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Government will therefore develop an overall strategy for the "Federal City of Bonn Region as a Host to the United Nations and International Organizations". One focus will be on the increased recruitment of UN institutions and international organizations and another on improving the exchange of information.
The visibility of the Federal City of Bonn as a location for UN and international organizations will be increased by holding large and international conferences at the international location of the Federal City of Bonn. When identifying venues for international conferences in Germany, the Federal Government will always consider the Federal City of Bonn and the opportunities for holding conferences at the World Conference Center Bonn ("Mainstreaming Bonn"). Particular attention will be paid to conferences on sustainable development as well as IT and cyber security.
The Federal City of Bonn region as a national and international cyber security location
The Federal City of Bonn region has locational advantages due to its existing expertise in the field of cybersecurity, which represents a unique competitive advantage in Germany as a whole and in terms of national benefits.
From the point of view of the federal government, this locational advantage must be used and expanded in the sense of national added value. The region's proposal for a "cyber campus with innovation and education center" addresses several objectives of the federal government's cybersecurity strategy with some of its components.
The federal government therefore welcomes those elements of the regional proposal "Cyber Campus with Innovation and Education Center" that are likely to contribute to achieving various objectives of the federal government's cybersecurity strategy.
Which of these elements are particularly suitable for promoting the objectives will be examined at a later stage.
The Federal City of Bonn region as a cultural center
Beethoven is one of the most important and most frequently performed German composers of all time. Preserving Beethoven's musical heritage and making it accessible is a matter of national concern. Being Beethoven's birthplace, the Federal City of Bonn is uniquely suited to this task. As the city of Beethoven, the Federal City of Bonn is already of great importance in terms of cultural policy.
The Federal Government has been involved in the cultivation of Beethoven’s heritage by the Federal City of Bonn for many years. The Birthplace of Beethoven is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Federal Government is represented on the association's board of trustees. The agreement on compensatory measures for the Bonn region of June 29, 1994 (so-called compensation agreement) on the basis of the Act on the Implementation of the Resolution of the German Bundestag of June 20, 1991 on the Completion of German Unity (Berlin/Bonn Act) of April 26, 1994 also established the Beethoven Foundation for Art and Culture in 2004 with compensatory funds and enabled the purchase of the House of Culture.
The achievements of the Beethoven House as a museum, concert venue, library and research facility as well as a promoter of young artists are highly recognized worldwide and have established Bonn's reputation as an important place for the cultivation of Beethoven. An increase in federal funding would initially enable the Beethoven House to maintain its academic activities and museum work and help secure funding for the necessary staff. In addition, efforts to expand the museum's educational and artistic work at the authentic site could be strengthened, thereby expanding the role of the Federal City of Bonn as a center of Beethoven cultivation in Germany. The Federal Government is therefore examining the possibilities of increasing the existing institutional support for the Beethoven-Haus e.V. association in Bonn provided by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
The region's concern to expand Beethoven's support in the area of promoting young musical talent in conjunction with the promotion of musical innovation is generally of interest to the Federal Government. In the view of the Federal Government, the above-mentioned Beethoven Foundation for Art and Culture is fundamentally suited to promote such innovative projects and formats of Beethoven reception and, in line with the region's proposal, to be developed into a driver for Beethoven's further cultivation. The federal government is therefore examining the possibility of a one-off increase in the endowment capital of the Beethoven Foundation for Art and Culture.
The other region-wide proposal "Forum Exilkultur im Windeckbunker" addresses the topic of artists in exile in terms of its content; the former Windeckbunker air-raid shelter is to be the venue for the implementation and exhibition.
Considering and anchoring the topic of artists in exile in museums and memorials is part of the cultural policy concerns of the federal government in the fields of remembrance culture and examination of the Nazi regime as well as the work of museums and memorials in this area. The federal government is involved in a wide range of funding activities.
The Federal City of Bonn appears to be a particularly suitable location for such a project due to the extensive "Memoria" collection owned by the city. In particular, due to the intended link in the region's proposal with activities of the UN Refugee Agency based in the UN city of Bonn, which can be expected to have a supra-regional impact. It is therefore a federal interest to involve an expert opinion (concept study) to examine and demonstrate whether and how a corresponding "Exile Culture Forum" exhibition can be realized in the building.
The Federal City of Bonn region as a place for promoting democracy
Strengthening the visibility of sites of Germany's eventful democratic history and highlighting their significance is an important task of the federal government.
For example, the BKM is responsible for the "Foundation Places of German Democratic History", which was established in 2021 and is based in Frankfurt / Main, as well as the federally funded Foundation House of Contemporary History of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn.
Having been the political center of the Federal Republic of Germany for decades, Bonn like no other German city stands for the reestablishment of German democracy after 1945 and its successful history in the decades that followed. Making this visible and tangible through a stronger network of authentic sites is an important goal of the Federal Government's remembrance policy.
Beyond other individual funding, Bonn is pursuing a project with a unique feature with the establishment of a central network of all institutions of democracy education, in particular the authentic places that have filled the Basic Law with life over the decades. The project demonstrates an innovative methodological project approach and leads to a sustainable, professional as well as diverse and inclusive realization of democracy-promoting and democracy-mediating projects. The competence network is therefore also of particular interest to the federal government. Close coordination with federally funded institutions is ensured, but cannot be replaced by them due to their significantly broader funding approach. The project pursues a focus and in-depth approach that is to be supported separately. The further sharpening of the content of the project proposal must still be examined and coordinated in the following, also in view of the anticipated need for budget funds.
The Federal City of Bonn region as a location for a nationwide center for researching and communicating resilience
To date, there is no central location of national importance in Germany in the sense of a resilience hub that permanently brings together research in the comprehensive sense of research networks. Although there are a number of research projects funded by various federal ministries that deal with interdisciplinary aspects of resilience research as collaborative projects, these are all temporary in nature and are not comprehensively coordinated with one another. There is a lack of a place where the various disciplines of different scientific institutions can find a permanent location for intensive research in a changing network, possibly also together with their partners in practice, which is tailored to their needs and already includes the conceptual design of knowledge transfer.
The focus should be on the future-oriented handling of the topic of natural extremes in order to contribute to strengthening people's self-protection and self-provision (civil protection). A key component of this is future-oriented construction adapted to climate change, for which central research projects are to be installed. The aim is to increase the resilience of society as a whole.
The proposals submitted by the region in this regard are based on the region's existing unique selling points, which are to be promoted in the sense of national added value for the whole of Germany. The federal government therefore welcomes the region's proposal "International Resilience Center @ Ahr-Valley" (IRRC) and also approaches from the proposal "Global Forum Bonn (GFB) - A Federal Republic of Germany Center for Comprehensive Research and Consulting on Sustainability Transformation". In the view of the Federal Government, however, these two concepts from the field of science and research still need to be coordinated in the further process.
The focus of the content must also be examined and coordinated in view of the anticipated budget requirements.
Federal City of Bonn region as a location for federal authorities and a place of residence for federal employees
With regard to a location concept for the Federal City of Bonn region, the federal government pledges to remain economically and sustainably committed to the following areas of development in the future:
- Investment in federal government properties in the Federal City of Bonn and the region
- Further investment in new housing construction by BImA for the purposes of federal housing welfare for the accommodation of federal employees and, if necessary, a joint commitment with the Federal City of Bonn and the region to expand the housing supply.
- If federal properties are no longer required, they will be offered for sale to the respective regional authorities.
Cooperation to implement the supplementary agreement and its measures
The Berlin/Bonn Commissioner will set up a new, permanent discussion format at her Bonn office, consisting of representatives of the federal government and the Federal City of Bonn region as well as the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, which will ensure cooperation beyond the implementation of the supplementary agreement on all issues relating to Bonn's function as a federal city. In order to implement specific projects and measures, the federal government and the Federal City of Bonn and the region will also agree on a binding format for their future cooperation.
The federal government, the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal City of Bonn region have agreed to continue their talks on the basis of these key points and to conclude a supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act in the course of this year.
Confidentiality has been agreed on the progress of the talks until a supplementary agreement is reached.