After a forwarding company had already brought three vehicles of the City of Bonn (two of the "bonnorange AöR" and one of the fire department) to Kherson in July, the association Blau Gelbes Kreuz (Blue Yellow Cross) based in Cologne now had the donations in kind that haf been collected by the central warehouse for donations in Bonn (ZeSaBo) until the end of June picked up. These include technical equipment and tools, office equipment, medical products and hygiene articles.
Since the City of Kherson had in the meantime requested further technical equipment, such as computers or servers, 144 computers have now also been safely placed on the truck that is on its way to Ukraine. The computers were donated by the Bonn city administration, which is currently exchanging computers for laptops, making the no longer needed PCs available to its Ukrainian twin city.
While ZeSaBo's donation campaign in kind for Kherson has been completed, financial donations are possible on an ongoing basis via the joint donation project "Bonn helps Kherson" of the City of Bonn and the aid organization Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Learn more at (opens in a new tab) or