In 2002, both cities signed a declaration of intent for the further development of the friendly ties.
Energy Supply and Waste Management
The project partnership focuses on municipal approaches that increase eco-efficiency.
Flood Protection
Due to its exposed geographical situation, La Paz runs a high flood risk. In the framework of the establishment of an early warning system against natural disasters, a number of different projects have jointly been developed and implemented. A large-scale tree planting project, for instance, was launched in 2014: 150 volunteers helped to plant 1,500 trees to prevent erosion and landslides.
Cultural Exchange
Regular exchanges and encounters are taking place among students and civil society groups. Bonn’s Bertolt-Brecht-Gesamtschule maintains a school partnership to La Paz and has already collected several thousand euros for various school projects there through fundraising runs. Meetings and projects of artists and experts complement the partnership.
The project partnership is supported in a number of ways by the Bonn-La Paz Association (Verein Bonn-La Paz). Apart from introducing Bolivia and its people to Bonn’s citizens, the association has established close contacts in particular in the field of theater and music, which has led to a number of joint projects in both cities.