
English website

Lost and found office

Anyone who finds and takes possession of a lost object must, in the interest of the loser of an object or owner, immediately inform the lost and found office and hand in or send the lost object there. A list of lost property reported within one week - including lost property from buses and trains of the Stadtwerke Bonn - will be posted on the notice boards in the foyer of the Stadthaus and in the district administration offices for a period of six weeks. Insofar as the lost property or the circumstances of the find give rise to clues, the city will attempt to identify the loser and inform the loser immediately.

Lost property can also be handed in at the district administration offices in Bad Godesberg, Beuel and Hardtberg.

Lost and found can only be picked up at the lost and found office in Bonn.

You have lost an item and would like to know whether it was handed in at the lost and found office? Then you are welcome to use the virtual lost and found office.

Lost and found office
Stadthaus (Parkdeck 1)