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Max Weber Foundation - German Humanities Institutes Abroad

The Max Weber Foundation (MWS) is one of the leading sponsors of German research in the humanities and social sciences abroad. It maintains eleven scientifically autonomous institutes as well as branch offices and offices worldwide. The institutes are located in Beirut, Delhi, Istanbul and London, in Moscow, Paris, Rome and Tokyo as well as in Warsaw and Washington. At their locations, they assume important bridging functions to Germany and promote cooperation with scientists and scholars as well as with institutions and young scientists in the host countries.

The joint secretariat is located at the foundation's headquarters in Bonn. It supports the work of the Foundation's bodies and the Scientific Advisory Boards. It represents the institutes and their employees at public authorities in Germany. In addition, it is responsible for all Foundation-wide administrative matters. It maintains the publication platform and is responsible for public relations in Germany.


Max Weber Foundation - German Humanities Institutes Abroad
Ms. Carla Schmidt
Referentin für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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