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Sustainable economy

Climate change in Bonn

Climate change and rising warming are increasingly entering the everyday lives of the population. Extreme weather affects and endangers society in the form of heavy rain, storms or prolonged heat. Already today, the average annual temperature in Bonn is 1.2 degrees Celsius above the values of 1895, the beginning of temperature records.

Climate plan of the city of Bonn

The city of Bonn aims to become climate neutral by 2035 and meet the 1.5 degree CO2 budget of the Paris Climate Agreement. The Climate Plan, which was adopted by the city council in March 2023, is the city's roadmap for a climate-neutral and livable city. As a strategy, it defines clear goals and development paths in seven fields of action for the next 13 years. 

In the "Economy" field of action, the focus is on the transformation of the economy and climate neutrality as an economic policy objective. Companies in particular have opportunities for action here. The business development department will implement various business-relevant measures from the climate plan, including advice and information on sustainable business, a climate partnership with trade and industry, and a training offensive for climate-relevant trades.

Activities of the Bonn Economic Development Agency

The Bonn Economic Development Agency has initiated various activities, some of which are presented here as examples and some of which are described in more detail in individual chapters of the report.

Sustainability Hub Bonn Region

An important focus in the work of the Economic Development Department last year was the establishment of the Bonn Region Sustainability Hub. This initiative is based on a resolution passed by the Bonn City Council in June 2021.

The aim of the “Bonn Region Sustainability Hub” is to inspire, support and assist start-ups and existing companies in the implementation of sustainable business models and products. The aim is to initiate and promote synergy opportunities with other institutions from business, science, universities and other sustainability initiatives in the city and region. In the long term, sustainability should not simply become another entrepreneurial aspect, but should form the basis of all economic activity.

As part of the Bonn Region Sustainability Hub, numerous information and networking events were offered for the regional economy in 2023. These included three events in the “Stammtisch” format for discussions in the region, themed specialist events on funding and the Economy for the Common Good as well as the Sustainable Future Barcamp in cooperation with regional stakeholders. Meanwhile, the presence in social media was further expanded by providing a wide range of information via these channels.

Climate-friendly industrial park Beuel-Ost

In May 2021, the administration, together with the engineering firm GERTEC from Essen and the Bonn Science Shop (WILA), launched the model project “Climate-friendly industrial estate Beuel-Ost” in one of the largest and oldest established industrial estates in the city of Bonn. Since then, the project has been working together with interested local companies to ensure that the area can continue to develop in a climate-friendly manner. Key elements are potential checks and the initiation of measures to improve the quality of the location, an improved open space structure, climatic building optimization as well as optimized energy consumption and better use of energy generation. 

Climate-oriented industrial estate management is gradually being extended to all 18 industrial estates.

In the coming years, this project will not only be expanded to include additional business parks, but will also be equipped with its own personnel resources in the Economic Development Service Center. The additional employees will take over the consulting and project management functions of the external service providers after a training and transition phase.

Tourism becomes more sustainable

The local tourist information office “Bonn-Information”, which is certified with the nationwide “Travel for All” label, supports sustainable tourism, for example by offering sustainable products in souvenir sales. Since 2020, a low-emission, barrier-free hybrid bus has been used for city tours in Bonn. The development of a regional tourism database is also being supported, which promotes the digitalization of tourist information. Furthermore, together with Stadtwerke Bonn, the city's specialist departments and the shipping companies involved, the Economic Development Agency is coordinating the shore power supply for the mooring points for river cruise ships on the banks of the Rhine in order to minimize noise and pollutant emissions from diesel generators during mooring times.

Alliance for Skilled Workers

Economic development is closely networked with all regional labor market players in the Alliance for Skilled Workers. The focus is on the sustainable transformation of the working society with topics such as strengthening labor mobility or the distribution of adequate work in society.

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  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hub Region Bonn