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Real estate

The management of municipal real estate serves the implementation of urban development goals. These can consist of making current urban projects possible with the necessary land acquisition for them or completing a land provision for future urban projects. Current projects focus on measures to implement infrastructure measures and the mobility turnaround. These may involve the exercise of pre-emptive rights or the acquisition of additional land.

Furthermore, the focus is on the provision of building land for the promotion of (largely subsidized) housing construction, for economic and structural promotion, and for the promotion of sports, cultural, social and other municipal purposes. However, the existing low supply of land limits the department's ability to make a significant contribution to the development of commercial and residential sites. Another focus is currently on acquiring buildings for housing refugees and homeless people.

The Real Estate Department coordinates investor projects that are important for the city's development, as well as the entire purchase and sale of land for public and private purposes, markets municipal building land, manages the heritable building rights issued by the city, and manages undeveloped real estate that is not assigned a specific public function. Contractual management of the city's catering establishments of a commercial nature, the allocation of managed areas and the leasing of areas for temporary use are also part of the department's tasks. Another focus of the department's work is the maintenance of the geo-information system with regard to the balance sheet allocation of land.

The department consists of 25 employees and aims to ensure optimal management of municipal land and properties in accordance with political requirements and to provide impetus for the implementation of urban development goals and infrastructural measures. In addition to the traditional real estate issues, the topic of digitization is being driven forward and work processes are being further optimized.

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Mr. Kerim Abulzahab