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Commercial areas

The economic structure of the city of Bonn is predominantly service-oriented. Nevertheless, the skilled trades as well as the manufacturing industry are of great importance from a structural policy and employment point of view. For example, the skilled trades ensure a wide range of jobs and are an important player on the path to the city's targeted climate neutrality. In addition, many of Bonn's industrial and commercial enterprises are leaders in national and international markets. Therefore, the goal is to be able to continue to offer attractive commercial sites for the settlement, expansion and relocation of manufacturing and craft enterprises, especially those that contribute to the climate transformation of the city. However, because land potential in the urban area is scarce, the need for commercial space usually competes with the need for housing and office and retail uses. For this reason, in addition to the development of new commercial areas, there is a special focus on securing existing commercial areas and activating underutilized land potential.

Commercial space supply

The total size of all of Bonn's commercial zones is around 445 hectares. In addition, 28.7 hectares of further commercial land potential is available in the medium term for the settlement or relocation of companies from the manufacturing, skilled trades and service industries. Of this, 16.5 hectares are owned by the city. However, these sites can only be marketed once the necessary planning law has been created. The municipal sites are the approximately eleven-hectare Pützchen office and industrial park, the approximately 2.5-hectare expansion area on Hans-Herter-Strasse and a potential area on Kölnstrasse/Schlesienstrasse with a size of around three hectares, both in the Buschdorf industrial park. In order to alleviate the current shortage of commercial space as quickly as possible and to be able to meet demand for commercial space from companies again in the medium term, the Bonn Economic Development Agency is continuing to pursue its well-known three-building block strategy.


Building block 1: Development of new urban potential areas and land reactivation

A particular focus of economic development is on the development of new commercial sites on Bonn city territory. For this reason, the development of the Pützchen office and industrial park and the expansion of the Buschdorf industrial park are being driven forward in particular. However, before sites can be marketed in these areas, planning law must first be created. In addition to building and planning regulations, aspects such as sustainability, climate and mobility must also be taken into account. Similarly, the aim is to achieve better utilization of space through "stacked commercial" development. Thus, further own commercial areas could be created in Bonn - under consideration of other uses. 

In addition, the further development and qualification of existing commercial areas will also be pursued in the future. With regard to the qualification of existing commercial areas, the possibility of multiple internal development is currently being examined for the Bad Godesberg North commercial area. This envisages building densification with simultaneous safeguarding and development of green volumes and the realization of sustainable forms of mobility, in line with the guiding principles for climate protection and climate adaptation.

The developments in Bonn's oldest and largest commercial area, Beuel-Ost, are also part of the inventory qualification. The results of the pilot project "Climate-friendly commercial area Beuel-Ost" are to be transferred to other commercial areas in Bonn in the future. The model project aims to show which possibilities can be used in an existing commercial area to unseal and green areas and to reduce emissions.

Building block 2: Inter-municipal development of industrial sites within the framework of cooperation models (intermediate stage)

In the context of inter-municipal commercial area developments, there are no regional planning obligations for areas that have been secured by planning. Nevertheless, the municipality of Alfter is currently developing the Alfter-Nord industrial estate, which covers approximately 29 hectares, together with Bonn and Bornheim. The municipalities see inter-municipal cooperation in the development and marketing of land as the right approach to offering the increasingly scarce resource of "commercial land" on a regional basis and to retaining local companies in the region and attracting new ones. Planning law is currently being created for this commercial area.

Building block 3: Inter-municipal development of industrial sites in line with the regional plan

An inter-municipal commercial land development in the sense of the regional plan is also to be promoted between the city of Bonn and the Rhine-Sieg district municipalities. For this reason, a regional commercial land survey was carried out to investigate the future land requirements for the economy as a whole in the city of Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg district and whether the existing land reserves are suitable in terms of size and quality to meet these requirements.

At present, the prerequisites for an inter-municipal commercial land development in the sense of the regional plan are being examined. In this context, the possibility of implementing a commercial land pool, into which all available regional land potential is fed for joint development and marketing, is also being examined.

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