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Demographic development

Bonn grows by 4,580 inhabitants

According to the updated census results from 2011, the official number of inhabitants for the city of Bonn at the end of 2022 is 336,465. Compared to the end of 2021, the population has increased by 4,580 inhabitants or 1.4 percent. As in the past, the population growth can be based on a positive balance of people moving in and out: Bonn was able to gain a total of 4,879 inhabitants in 2022. The natural population movement, i.e. the balance of births and deaths, was consistently positive in Bonn from 1987 to 2021. In 2022, a negative balance of minus 317 can be observed (3,441 deaths, 3,124 births).

Municipal data

Parallel to the collection of official figures by IT.NRW, the statistics office of the city of Bonn generates the "municipal" population figures on the basis of the civil register. At the end of 2022, the statistics office counted a total of 338,396 Bonn residents with their sole or main place of residence in the city, based on statistical analysis of the civil register data. Compared to the previous year, the population has increased by plus 2,421 persons, which corresponds to a growth of approximately plus 0.7 percent.

Population forecast for Bonn: plus 8.8 percent by 2050

According to the most recent population forecast of the State Statistical Office IT.NRW, which is based on the update of the 2011 census, Bonn will also grow significantly in the longer term. According to this, the population will increase from 330,579 to 359,562 between January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2050, which corresponds to growth of 28,983 people in absolute terms or plus 8.8 percent in percentage terms. This means that Bonn is predicted to have the strongest population growth of all cities and districts in NRW. But the other cities along the Rhine also have an advantage here. Cologne (plus 5 percent) and Düsseldorf (plus 4.2 percent) are also expected to grow. In contrast, the population in NRW as a whole will decline, with a decrease of minus 1.7 percent expected by 2050. According to the IT.NRW forecast, the Rhein-Sieg district, which surrounds Bonn, will also lose a slight amount of population. The number of inhabitants will fall by around one percent from 600,375 to 594,176.

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Mr. Dr. Matthias Schönert