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Pump track in Pützchen is open

The term “pump track” makes the hearts of many children and young people beat faster. This type of circuit can be ridden on skateboards, scooters, inline skates or bicycles. And as it offers jumps, banked turns and bumps, fun is guaranteed.

Pupils from Beuel Integrated Comprehensive School tried out the pump track on their bikes - and had a lot of fun.

On Tuesday, May 28, the city of Bonn and the Stadtsportbund Bonn opened a mobile pump track on the old sports field in Pützchen (Beuel district). Children from the Marktschule elementary school and young people from the Integrierte Gesamtschule Beuel were there to try out the new facility with great enthusiasm.

“The demand for informal sports and exercise opportunities, especially among children and young people, is high. I am therefore delighted that we have found a very attractive use for the area of the former soccer pitch with the mobile pump track facility,” says Stefan Günther, Head of the Sports and Pool Office of the City of Bonn. 

The purchase was made possible with funding from the “Modern Sports Facility 2022” program of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The purchase of around 100,000 euros is 90 percent subsidized, with only the own contribution of around 10,000 euros to be borne by the city budget. The city of Bonn and the Stadtsportbund Bonn had jointly developed an overall concept for this funding program.

“We are delighted that we can implement the first building block from the overall concept of the NRW funding program with the opening of the pump track,” says Ute Pilger, 1st Chairwoman of the Stadtsportbund. “Three more outdoor fitness facilities will follow in the next few weeks so that residents can use the new facilities in time for the summer season,” continued Ute Pilger. 

The facility in Pützchen, which is around 100 meters long and covers an area of around 360 square meters, is made of plastic and is therefore quiet. It is made up of several modules and offers an ideal opportunity for children and young people of different age groups to let off steam and further promote the fun of exercise. Riding the pump track also trains coordination, dexterity and endurance.

The pump track in Pützchen is mobile. This means that it is not permanently installed, but can be dismantled for the annual “Pützchens Markt” funfair. The facility allows the old sports field to be used temporarily.

Wishes and suggestions from an information event for citizens in June 2023, to which children and young people in particular were invited, have been taken into account as far as possible.