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UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

UNRISD generates knowledge and insight on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues. Within the UN system yet independent, it co-creates interdisciplinary research and policy analysis in collaboration with its global networks, and works to position social equity, inclusion and justice at the centre of development thinking, policy and practice. The work programme of the UNRISD Bonn office aims to create new interagency collaborations and enhance synergies between research and learning activities—simultaneously maximizing the uptake and impact of evidence-based analysis on the social dimensions of sustainable development; and contributing to training and capacity development of the highest possible quality and relevance. UNRISD seeks to engage with the UN sustainability hub in Bonn, and with civil society, academic and government partners, to accelerate our collective contributions to evidence-based implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
Ms. Isabell Kempf
Senior Research Coordinator and Head of Office

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