
English website

OroVerde - Tropical Forest Foundation

OroVerde is a non-profit foundation concentrating on practical and sustainable contributions to the conservation of tropical forests. The objective is to conserve the biodiversity of the forests and its ecosystem services, such as the mitigation of climate change.
Since its foundationOroVerde initiates, promotes and financially supports internationalconservationprojects in tropical forest areas. The local project partners are permanently supported and provided with expertise by OroVerde.
The main focus of work lies on reforestation, environmental education, theintroduction of sustainable forest management systems andestablishmentof protectedareas - in all projects the principle is helping people to help themselves.
In Germany the focus lies on environmental education and information related to tropical forests as well as on the promotion of information exchange between environmental organizations, the economy, science and policy. The actions carried out intend to raise awareness in Germany for the conservation of tropical forests and to stimulate environment-friendly consumer behavior.

OroVerde - Tropical Forest Foundation

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