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Association of private development services e.V. (APED)

Representation of the members’ interests with regard to the Federal Government and the Federal Parliament (German Bundestag). Support of development initiatives of its members, in particular with a view to funding; acting as a consultant for members who are preparing Projects.


Member organisations:

  • Advent-Wohlfahrtswerk (Adventist Welfare - Hannover);
  • Aktion Amorgos e.V. (Uelzen);
  • Albert-Schweitzer-Freundeskreis Düsseldorf (Friends of Albert Schweitzer - Düsseldorf);
  • Arbeitskreis Internationaler Gemeinschaftsdienste in Deutschland (Association of international community services - Marburg);
  • Arbeitskreis Kindergärten in Entwicklungsländern (Association pre-schools in developing countries - Sulzbach);
  • Deutscher Freiwilligendienst in Übersee (German Overseas Volunteers Bonn c/o EED);
  • Freundeskreis Indianerhilfe (Association of the friends of indigenous Indians - Leverkusen);
  • Freundeskreis Zentral- und Ostafrika (Association of the friends of Central and East Africa - Hannover);
  • Internationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten (International encounter in community services - Stuttgart);
  • Internationale Mennonitische Organisation (International Mennonites - Neuwied);
  • Jugend-Bildung-Hilfe in Bolivien (Youth - Education - Aid in Bolivia - Aachen);
  • Kinderdorf Rio (children’s village Rio - Oberhausen);
  • Lateinamerika-Zentrum (Bonn);
  • Nothelfergemeinschaft der Freunde (emergency relief community of friends - Düren);
  • Quäkerhilfe (Quakers’ Aid - Neustadt a.R.);
  • Sarvodaya-Freundeskreis in der Deutsch-Indischen Gesellschaft (Sarvodaya friends of the German - India Society - Stuttgart);
  • Service Civil International - Deutscher Zweig (German Branch - Bonn).
Association of private development services e.V. (APED)

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