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Carnival in Bonn

Carnival in Bonn is diverse and inclusive. It’s about having fun and historical tradition. It is partying with neighbors, enjoying fancy dress ... and the ultimate experience of the Rhenish peoples’ ‘joy for life’. Back in the era of baroque, the electors of Cologne celebrated Carnival with masquerades in their City Palace (nowadays: University Main Building) following the example of Venice. Even Giacomo Casanova made it to Bonn in 1760 to attend one of these.

After 1850, citizens and students started celebrating carnival. This was the birth hour of the uniformed carnival corps, imitating the prussian occupants and thereby making fun of it. For example they created their own decorations for carnival as a mockery of prussian medals of honor.

You can find more information about the carnival processions on this city map (in German):

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  • Sascha Engst/Bundesstadt Bonn
  • Giacomo Zucca/Bundesstadt Bonn
  • Festausschuss Bonner Karneval/Logo: Agentur Welzenbachs