Under the theme “Resilience in challenging times: Mobilizing collaboration for future-ready water and sanitation service providers“, the 5th Congress is expected to bring together partners from around the world to discuss the significant issues facing water and sanitation operators and showcase knowledge and emerging solutions to address them. This year, the Congress provides a platform for discussion on how collaboration between operators can help them navigate challenges under five thematic perspectives, including WOPs, sanitation, climate and nature-based solutions, equity, and innovation.
In direct follow up to the UN 2023 Water Conference held in New York in March this year, the Congress provides the opportunity to sharpen and scale up the WOPs practice as an accelerator towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strengthen the solidarity network between water and sanitation operators. The global Conference saw the adoption of the Water Action Agenda (opens in a new tab), representing the voluntary commitments of nations and stakeholders to accomplish the SDGs. Several of the commitments related to scaling up the work of water operators, including the Water Action (opens in a new tab) submitted by GWOPA.
The Congress offers a variety of sessions, including plenaries, workshops, technical and regional sessions. These sessions will be available both in-person and online for the first three days. The conference will conclude on the 4th day, 25 May, with field excursions. There will also be a poster exhibition and networking opportunities at the conference venue.
Registration is open, and participants can choose to join in-person or hybrid at the World Conference Center in Bonn. There is no participation fee, thanks to Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Foreign Office (FFO) generously supporting the Congress.
Updates, the full programme and registration form are available on the webpage:
https://gwopa.org/wop-congress/ (opens in a new tab).
The Alliance is looking forward to welcoming you to the Congress!